Hello! I’m Melissa Ezechukwu.

I’m a digital consultant with more than 16 years’ experience helping organisations to amplify their impact through technology.


Digital consultancy can be a really broad field and I lend my expertise in a range of different ways, from digital marketing strategy and website development through to digital service design and AI product development.

In a practical sense this could look like:

  • Helping redesign user journeys for a domestic abuse support app;

  • Conducting research to define requirements for a leading UK health website;

  • Leading on user journey mapping and designing future state customer service blueprints for a local government;

  • Conducting a content audit and designing an online fundraising strategy for a major children’s charity;

  • Helping develop an AI-driven automated website builder for a technology start-up.

I’m particularly passionate about improving diversity, equity and accessibility in tech, and in my spare time I mentor, volunteer and do public speaking to help advance this cause.

But these are just the headlines - to find out what I could do for you, check out my full range of services or feel free to say hello.

Melissa enjoying her brunch


How I can help you.


My work

See some cool stuff I’ve worked on.